Change Direction of Player Start

Hi guys. I just started the Blueprint tutorial for the Unreal Engine 2 days ago and im really motivated. But after creating the playerpawn with the camera and the spring arm connected to the root, everytime i press play i look into the wrong direction of the map.
I tried changing the camera and spring arm together and move it on the other side, which inverts all my controls and i even tried rotating the whole map, which didnt change anything at all.

Can you guys help me?

Here are some pictures of my problem:

And what is the orientation of your player start in the level?

As shown here the player start is oriented towards the map. i tried rotating the playerpawn many times and nothing happened and even when i rotate the playerstart it will always start as the last picture i shown, directed towards the other way.

Since I haven’t done the BP course, @GavinMilroy would have a better idea as to what’s going on.

well thanks for the help. i dont think its that important yet. as long as i understand all the rest so far.
if its something more serious i post it here.

thanks again for trying to help :slight_smile:

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