
“prompt”:[“something alive”, “a noun”, “a female family member (daughter, etc.)”, “a female name that rhymes with flan”],
“story”:[“There once was a %s from Nantucket.\nWho kept all his %s in a bucket.\nBut his %s, named $s,\nRan away with a man,\nAnd as for the bucket Nantucket.”]

Translates to:
There once was a (something alive) from Nantucket.
Who kept all his (a noun) in a bucket.
But his (female family member), named (female name that rhymes with flan),
Ran away with a man,
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

Edit: It took me a very long time to realize that the story key shouldn’t have the brackets because it’s not an array. I felt so dumb after realizing this. I literally spent thirty minutes trying to figure out what I did wrong, and it was something simple.
“story”:“There once was a %s from Nantucket.\nWho kept all his %s in a bucket.\nBut his %s, named %s,\nRan away with a man,\nAnd as for the bucket Nantucket.”

2nd Attempt:
I temporarily added var current_story = template[0] to make the loop work.

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Hahaha! :rofl:
Nice story!

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