
It took me longer than I’d like to admit to figure out how to display the opening text and wait for the player to click ok to continue. This is a very silly story and I admittedly didn’t put much thought into it.

extends Node2D

var player_words = [] # the words the player chooses.
var introduction = "Welcome to Loony Lips!  We're going to have so many laughs together.  If you will give me just a few different types of words, I'll tell you a very funny story."
var prompt = ["a noun", "a verb", "a color", "an animal", "a body part", "an adjective"]
var story = "Once upon a time, there was a %s who loved to %s.  She loved it so much that she did it every day.  One day she came across a %s %s who chased her.  While running, she hurt her %s and magically it became very %s."
var intro_shown = false

func _ready():
	$Blackboard/StoryText.text = introduction
	$Blackboard/TextBox.text = "Press the OK button to continue."
#	prompt_player()

func _on_TextureButton_pressed():
	if intro_shown == true:
		var new_text = $Blackboard/TextBox.get_text()
		intro_shown == true
		$Blackboard/TextBox.text = ""

func _on_TextBox_text_entered(new_text):
	$Blackboard/TextBox.text = ""

func prompt_player():
	$Blackboard/StoryText.text = ("Can I have " + prompt[player_words.size()] + ", please?")

func check_player_word_length():
	if player_words.size() == prompt.size():

func tell_story():
	$Blackboard/StoryText.text = story % player_words

Update: I edited my script to more closely match Yann’s and changed the intro text slightly.

Second Attempt:

func _ready():
	$Blackboard/StoryText.text = "Welcome to Loony Lips!  We are going to have an amazing time together.  If you'll just give me a few words, I'll give you funny stories.  \n\n\nCan I have " + prompt[player_words.size()] + " please?"
	$Blackboard/TextBox.text = ""

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