The challenge requested to add a series of markers as points to be used to spawn enemies. While this is the approach used by the teacher I decided to apply the random spawn approach.
I, too, also have made the enemy spawner scene but instead of using the markers I have taken the viewport screen size and used the randi_range function to spawn the ships in a random way.
Here is the script:
class_name EnemySpawner extends Node2D
@onready var _screen_x_size = get_viewport_rect().size.x
@onready var _spawn_timer = get_node("SpawnEnemyTimer")
@onready var _enemy = preload("res://scenes/enemy.tscn")
func _ready():
func _spawn_enemy():
# Instantiate the enemy
var enemy_ship = _enemy.instantiate()
# Change the position
enemy_ship.global_position = Vector2(randi_range(100, _screen_x_size - 100), -125)
# Add the enemy
Final result: