[Challenge] Camera Angles - Design a Character - AI


Went with a simple head-on angle - though I like ‘top-down slightly from the side’ in a lot of games (e.g. Ultima VI). Keeping it simple for myself. Here the AI is disagreeing with the player on some matter of galactic importance.

Based my character off the ancient DOS common code page 0x01 and 0x02 ‘smiley faces’ - though took a bit of liberty by adding a pixel to give it nicer chubby cheeks and turn it into more of a circle. I’m sure some of my fellow gdtv’ers of a certain age will recognise it.

My concept with the player’s AI sidekick is that they can be upgraded as the game progresses. At a certain point in the game the player will be given the choice to keep the AI as a virtual representation or to turn them into a physical manifestation (i.e. robot).


These are the fellas. Though these are the new-fangled MS-DOS 6 VGA versions (discernable from the floating pixels inside the zero). Screenshot grabbed from:


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