Cg boost fantasy traven challenge

I am creating a fantasy tavern for cg boost challenge but I need to make this render good now it’s not looking good .
Plz help me
Now it in low sample so the quality is low.


Why do you think it is not looking good?
What do you think needs to be improved?

Some people like paintings from Keith Haring and others like renaissance style. It is very personal.
So what is your personal style?

I need to improve lighting in it plus I want to add a blur effect on the planet through the window

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The planet can be just a blurred image … most simple construct.
But you can use the camera focus feature, which introduces blur.
Another solution is to render your scene in different parts and merge them in the Blender compositor (with image blur). All techniques you learn in the general blender course. So be patient or go on your own.

Your lighting is global and evenly lit. The best is to switch off everything and startup with the basic attention spots of the scene. What is the most important part of your view? Highlight key elements. Your space is grey. While real space is black. So turn off world lighting. use a spotlight to show the planet … etc.

See also:

This is what is improved till now .



But still a question for you. What is the MAIN focus of the scene?

  • A bar
  • Space
  • Aliens

Try to focus on that…
Like, if space, then increase window size. Make space ships bright. Zoom in window space ships. Make cafe darker, lesser attention.
Currently the viewer is lost, can not decide where to look for. Too much going on.
This problem has nothing to do with Blender, 3D. But composition, story and focus.

The bar is the main focus in this .

This is what I improved till now

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Just star in background with noise texture

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That is better. I have no real suggestions as it is not a style I am used to.
For me the things FedPete says about it is my issue too, there is no subject. More about how I might compose the scene rather than any rendering issues. Gone to a lot of trouble making a dragon but it is not the centre of the viewers attention? The off up in the sky, more security camera viewpoint.

Nothing wrong in it if that is your vision just not mine.

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