Certified with flying colors!

Between the “Learn to Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer” and “Pass the Unity Certified Developer Exam” courses on Udemy, I felt prepared walking into the exam room and I walked out CERTIFIED!

I took the Complete Developer course, then I took the Pass the Exam course, but skipped the Mock Exam at the end. The week before the exam, I listened to the Pass the Exam course again (at x1.5 speed) and checked that I understood the quiz topics and answers, researching anything I had trouble with. The day before the exam, I finally took the Mock Exam and spent the rest of the day researching anything I answered incorrectly. The next day, I passed the Certification Exam! I won’t say the real exam was a breeze, because it was not. It was very comprehensive and is worded quite technically, but I felt I was very well-prepared.

My thanks to Ben and Sam for providing the courses. I learned a great deal from both, will use them both for reference in the future, and absolutely credit them with my success.


Excellent news Daryn! This is the great news we love to hear :slight_smile:

Congratulations @Daryn_Guarino! Nice tip about the play back speed for revision!

Well done!

Congratulations, and thank you for the extra detail about how are you revised

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