Certification for courses

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I hope you are doing well.

I would like to know if I can get a certification for the courses I have completed on GameDev.tv.
If I buy the same course on Udemy, I will receive one after finishing the course. But is it also possible to get one when I finish a course on GameDev.tv?

Thank you for your help and time.


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@NP5, what I understood is that GameDev doesn’t deliver a certificate yet. You need to follow the course on Udemy for that.

So, if I want a certification, then I have to buy the course again on Udemy or is there the possibility to get it for free on Udemy when you already bought it on GameDev.tv?

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No clue on that, maybe NP5 knows more or @Marc_Carlyon

Thank you very much :slight_smile:
Maybe they will se that you tacked them.

There is no certificate created yet on the GameDev system. It is something they will get round to but they are prioritising development and functions of the new site at the moment.

It can be possible to be enabled on Udemy on the same course you have here (by contacting GameDev Support) but their system will not be able to recognise you have completed it on the Gamedev site. So I presume you would have to go through it again on there to get their certificate.

Thank you very much.
Your answer is very helpful.

I´ll contact the support :slight_smile:

Have a great day :slight_smile:

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