Hi all
First of all, thanks to @kaanalpar for these great lessons. I’m learning a lot
I decided to move from sci-fi alien attacks on Earth to a much more realistic setting because of my current emotional state and need to contribute in some way
So here is a huge Trigger Warning: ongoing war. Please consider not to click on the link below if it’s a topic close to you 🫂 ❤️🩹
What can I say about the back-end cooking?
- I used Path2D and PathFollow2D a lot. I’m not sure yet how to smoothly scale and stop the ratio
- I also used GPUParticles2D a lot. I need to understand of to optimize performances because it easily creates lag
- I created an AI for civilians by just creating a setting to avoid and escape from other Area2D collisions shapes
- I added some delays with timers on AudioStreamPlayer2D
- After some web research, I also used look_at() function to allow the two armies to… look at each other
- I didn’t put much emphasis on aesthetics and polish because that wasn’t the point of an interactive piece of art like this. I chose the OpenStreetMap humanitarian layer for the map
Hope my next devblog will be more cheerful.
Take care of yourself and others