CBC Animating the walk cycle: dopesheet regions without change

Complete Blender Creator. Lecture 85 Animating the walk cycle

I’ve followed Grant’s tutorial to get a walking figure.

There is an aspect of the dope sheet that looks wrong to me.

As per the tutorial, frame 15 is made by doing a copy of frame 3 and then ‘Paste X flipped pose’ at 15. Similarly 18 is a flipped copy of 6 and 21 from 9.

Looking at the dope sheet, afaik, the horizontal orange stripes for say spine 2 indicate no change in value for that bone over frames 15-18-21.

Given those frames are flipped copies, why is there no such orange stripe for that bone between frames 3-6-9?

I’m wondering if this shows I’ve not followed the steps correctly.

The animation looks rather heavy footed but otherwise ok.

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If the walk cycle is ok, then … it’s ok!

But, can it be that you’re using a different Blender version than Grant?
Blender is updating its UI and internals in every release.

The orange bar means key values are the same (unchanged).
Greybar, object(s) not selected, but still animated. Like selecting the object (orange) or not


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