Cavity Map bake issues in Blender 2.90 (Cycles CPU)

I have an impressively bad looking cavity map. The normal map baked okay at this max ray distance.

Any ideas as to why large swaths of it are missing?

I’m still working on this one myself as i dont remember Grant removing the light from the scene but a student had a similar issue and deleting the light in the scene solved it.

I wonder if its a bug or i missed it in the video that either the lights were removed or prevented from rendering when baking.

Let me know if this helps at all and once i get to the video i can take a look a bit closer

I think the Cav-Map has to be SRGB, not non-colour.

I deleted all the lights out of the scene and it’s still the same after a rebake.

I switched to SRGB, still the same outcome unfortunately after a rebake.

The bake itself is where everything seems to disappear…

I zoomed in on your screen capture and I can see now that you have the holes in your cavity map also…

Hmmm… :thinking:

Only things I can think of is:

  • Make sure you have only one material assigned to your LP model.
  • Double-check your UVs - is everything mapped?
  • Reset the face-sets on the HP model (In sculpt mode - face sets->Init by->Loose Parts)
  • Recalculate the normal on both the HP and LP models. (Confirm by switching on Face Orientation in the overlays drop-down - everything should have a blue hue - red means back-face = not good)
  • Make sure shade-smooth is switched on for both HP and LP models before baking.
  • Play some more with the Extrusion and Max Ray Distance parameters.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the tips, I’ll see what i can do to get everything to show up. So far I know at least the face orientation is good, but I’ll start fiddling with things and see what works.

How are you getting on with this? Just wanted to check in and see if you solved the issue or if its still ongoing.

Thanks in advance

I was going to try and jump on this as little later in the weekend and try various tweaks. My normal map seemed to bake okay, so as you can imagine it’s a bit confusing. I’m really hoping it’s not 2.90 having a bug of some sort. Will report back.

Some other advice that might help here is that you can try turning up the ray distance to see if that helps or try switching out the BDSF shader for an emission shader.

I have a similar question i had to ask Grant for advice on in the Udemy Q&A side
Hopefully between the two we can find a solution.

Let me know how you get on as i believe my other student is using 2.83 but i would have to check when they reply to the suggestions.

Have a good weekend :slight_smile:

Not done this course but perhaps this specific cavity maps Grant Abbit u_tube will help find something different.

Well, this really is all chalked up to my mesh being a bit dirty.

I baked the cavity at max ray distance of 0 and it looks much better now.

So, moral of the story is "Set everything to zero, and mess with it from there. Sometimes zero is the answer.]


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