Cattmull clark and simple option problem

in my multires modifier I o not have catmull clark and simple optionsi any alternative options for blender2.92


Not sure, what you are looking for. But things change in releases.
Now you have ‘Simple’ and ‘Lineair’?

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I tried using simple on the shackle but it is not giving me the blocky look I looking for

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Okay, but the original approach wasn’t immediately multires.
But a rectangle shape with some bevel (sharp belt edges).
Then the subdivisions are added (or multires), which uses more or less the ‘blocky’ look …
If I understand your problem correctly!?

If you use a standard cube and subdivide, you get a sphere like shape.
If you add some bevel to the cube is stays more cube like when adding subdivisions (multires).


so I have to bevel the edges?

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Yes (if you can?). Save a version first before experimenting…

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