Castle In The Woods

Hi fellow devs,

this is my version of the Zombie Runner - FPS from the last section of the Unity 3D tutorials.

Castle In the Woods:
Its night and the moon is shining bright. While you are deep in the forest with only a few bullets left and Zombies everywhere. If you tread with care you can hear nearby Zombies before they start to chase you down.

Its possible to run away because they cant rush through the woods as you do. On the other hand, you never know where the next Zombie waits for you arrival.

Explore the region and you find some ammo and firepits that will regenerate your health. Some say there is also a hidden Portal nearby.

Side notes:
There is still a lot of stuff i would like to change or enhance. For now i will leave it as is, but bugs are always welcome. So let me know when , where and how you have found em.


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Congratulations on your first of zombie runner :partying_face:

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