Castle Concept

This video addresses the core difficulties I have had with drawing. Staying light and avoiding scratchy lines are my biggest mountains to climb. I will practice this step for a while.


Good sketch, firm and confident strokes. Good composition, scale of things.

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Okay, that is officially my favourite design for a fantasy castle ever.

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Glad you liked it. I originally made this in 3D some time ago as part of an art challenge related to castles at cgboost academy. Low poly style:

I plan on making a realistic version of this image in the future.


That is fantastic, in every sense! Inspires me to be a bit more creative with my design concepts, too. I was racking my brain for an interesting castle layout (Iā€™m more into sci-fi than fantasy) and it never even occurred to me to just make the castle a giant stompy robot.

Hope to see more of this when you start working on the next version!


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