

return (T)baseAction;

the same as

return baseAction as T;


Yes and no

When you cast using (T)baseAction the baseAction must be castable to T. If it’s not, an InvalidCastException will be thrown.

When you cast using baseAction as T the baseAction does not have to castable to T. If it’s not, the result will just be null. No exception is thrown.

Apart from that, they both do exactly the same thing: Cast one type to another


I see. So it becomes a preference between catching a null reference or invalid cast exception.

Yeah, kinda, but you can expect the null.

For instance, you can cast the sender of an event handler to check who sent it; Assume an event comes from either a player class (Player) or an enemy class (Enemy). You can easily check it with

public void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var player = sender as Player;
    if (player == null) return;

    // do something with the player

You could of course do a check first, but that’s beyond the original post

public void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!(player is Player)) return;

    var player = sender as Player;
    if (player == null) return; // This shouldn't happen anymore because of the first check

    // do something with the player

More recently these methods are becoming somewhat extinct due to changes that was made to the language. You can check and cast at the same time now

public void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!(sender is Player player)) return; // check and cast into 'player'
    // do something with the player - which is in the 'player' variable

And @bixarrio is only showing you the Blocking versions. I prefer

if(sender is Player player)
   // Do Something with the player which is in the player variable

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