Car drifting Is there any way how can i drift the car?

//Drifting the car
if (Velocity.Size() > Drift)
	Velocity = (delta_rotation.operator-(FQuat(GetActorUpVector() * 0.9, 0.1f))).RotateVector(Velocity);
	Velocity = delta_rotation.RotateVector(Velocity);

Drifting would be applied when the vehicle is above a certain speed, the car is turning and tyre friction with the ground friction would be lower due to the speed.

At the most basic level you can ignore the friction and say when you turn and are above a given velocity, also apply some lateral movement.

For a more realistic setup, rear wheel or front wheel drive would also affect how you apply this movement and also the velocity that you would start to drift is related to the friction and not just a fixed number. Then, the faster you go the lower the friction and therefore the more you would drift.

I hope this helps.

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