Cant upload Game to

Tried uploading a Html upload and exe pc upload neither seems to work. Been looking for a place to upload but striking blanks or out of use sites. Any hel greatly appreciated maybe a tutorial ?

Unity 4.3.6
Unsing udemy upload site
A. Jones

It needs to be a zip file of your web build.

Make a web build in an empty folder somewhere. Take all those files and zip them up in a zip file then upload that zip file to

(Some people have been reporting trouble with getting into or using, however. I haven’t really been following the reports lately. But if it still doesn’t work, it may not be your fault.)

Appreciate your help,
I have tried uploading in both web and pc zip folders as stated above however did zip as well. It seems that because opens with an inscure java application most web brownsers now block it.

I believe this is the fault of the Unity web player its self?

So figured not my fault and was asking if there is any other place it can be uploaded and accessed from?

My build is bug and fault free, Tbh its if statments and enumerator and states nothing overly complicated.

So I assume this will be fixed by the course or perhaps a fix or by pass offered?

Here is the link to my game that I was given if anyone who has a browser that can view it let me know:
My game

Have gone with a diffrent uploaded its based on your browsers java settings as when its converted to a html 5 game or html game the java is inputted over as a mask and some browsers prevent java applications for security reasons. ie firefox however others like chrome dont. thanks alot for the help A. Jones

Using Chrome and it blocks me

Sorry, Google Chrome can’t run this app
You are using Google Chrome that does not support the Unity Web Player plugin needed to run this app.
We recommend using another browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera.

I’ll give IE a go tonight

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Hi Andrew,

The support for the underlying technology used by the Unity Web Player ceased some time ago for most of the modern/popular web browsers.

Alternatives are;

  • build a stand-alone version of your game, share the executable with friends/family
  • wait until later in the course you upgrade to Unity 5+, you can then come back and upgrade these games
  • upgrade to a more recent version of Unity (5.3+) and build using WebGL

WebGL is the effective replacement for the Unity Web Player and doesn’t require the user to install any additional components for their browser.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Rob - It was just the game in the OP that I couldn’t open. I’m just starting this section now

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Hi Andrew,

No problem, hopefully some of the information above will be of use once you’ve completed the section yourself :slight_smile:

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