Can't texture paint certain area

Hi there! I’m a noob trying to learn, and right now I’ve encountered a small problemo.

So, for some reason it won’t let me paint onto the white tiles, even though I had made a new texture for it and such. I also checked the face orientations and that seemed to be normal too, and it seems to be it’s own object. I’m not sure if there’s some weird separated material link going on in here or what.

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  • Check if those grey faces do have the correct material
  • Check for object duplication, the grey faces may be an other object in your view and blocking the painted version.
  • Check also your wall object, if it doesn’t contain double parts.

With the UV-Sync option (two arrows) top-left button bar, you can select a vertices, edge, face in the UV-map and see where this part is located on your object. Detecting the relation ship.


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Thank you! I had no idea what other things I’d have to check, turns out it was using a different material.
I fixed it now though :smiley:

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