Cant seem to create a point on the top after pressing 0

Please help ASAP thank you.


Pressing o as in zero or character Oooo?
Also, your camera is selected, maybe you need to select faces, edges, or vertices?

We are all students here. We cannot respond quickly and there is a timezone in order.

Be patient, have fun, and rewatch a video.
Watch out for wrong hot-key combinations.
Check the state of all your pannels (options).
A mistake can easily happen.

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Make sure that you are selecting the Cylinder, not the camera, and keep being in the Edit mode - faces while selecting the top face of the lighthouse.

Note that you are not creating a point on the top, simply extrude the surface to the top and scale the extruded surface to 0 so that you get the desired result :+1:

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Select the face, press S, Shift Z, Zero, click or enter. Done.

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Thank you guys for all your inputs I know it does not have to be perfect as a newbie here but It just seemed to simple to not give up sop this is the best what I was able to do going back to the videos lol again thank you for the all the help sorry for posting so much lol


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