Can't paint my new textures

I’ve followed the videos (watched the video a few times, and the one before it), but I can’t seem to Change the target layers to my textures in Modes>Landscape>Paint>Target Layers?

Maybe the icon hasnt updated? Did you try painting and/or restarting the editor?

Hi Dan,
I did try. No change. Just restarted and still no change.
I’ve uploaded it to bitbucket, If you’d like to have a look.

You’re using the wrong material, or you named them incorrectly. Flatland is the one you have in the picture above but you are using Landscape

Sorry I don’t understand.
I’m using Landscape as in the file named landscape or filetype?
Filetype is landscape and the file name is landscape2.

I’m saying I think you named your materials the wrong way round.

Click on landscape2 in the world outliner, in the details panel change the material from “Landscape” to “Flatland”

I don’t ever remember trying to do any editing there. Thanks!

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