I have tried to begin the “Turn Based Strategy Course” to no avail, mainly because the template required does not decompress into Unity Version 2022.1.0f1. It does decompress into 2021, but the course was rather stingent on the version of Unity. Is there a version that is recommended if the one used doesn’t work? Or is there a way to fix the error on my end? I tried shortening the file path as requested to no avail.
I’m using a different version of 2022 for demonstration purposes (as I’ve already loaded the template in Unity 2022.1.0f1), but are you saying that the URP Template is not loading properly when you press the Download button shown below?
Or is it once you click to start the project?
I haven’t encountered a scenario in which the 3d URP template has failed, so I’m not at all sure what hte issue is. This may need to be escalated to the Unity Forums
Here is what I was able to find there: https://forum.unity.com/threads/failed-to-resolve-project-template-failed-to-decompress.663214/