Can't join stairs and pyramid [solved]

when I control j it deletes the stairs and I can’t understand why. Can somebody please help me?

I am unable to reproduce the problem you describe, so I can only make a couple of trouble shooting suggestions.

  1. Make sure you are in object mode. Select the pyramid and the stairs using shift-select. Use the join button on the tools panel instead of Ctrl-J. If this works you may have a keyboard problem (can test by using a different computer) or else you have managed to change the short cut keys in the user preferences, which I doubt because it is buried several layers deep in the nested menus.

  2. Are the stairs deleted or are they buried in the pyramid? See what happens if you join while in wire frame view.

  3. If this isn’t helpful, repeat your message with screen shots before and after the join so people might see more details.

Good luck.

I didn’t apply the modifier. That’s because it didn’t work. Sorry. I’ve done some dumb errors like that before too.

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