Can't install UE tools in VS 2019 on Windows 11

Hey All, so I’m loving the course and my toolchain works on OSX buy I bought a new windows machine for dev and I’m running Windows 11 (my stupid WIFI 7 motherboard is not recognized on Windows 10) and when installing VS Community either 22 or 19 the Unreal Tools under “Workloads C++ desktop game dev” do not show up!

I am reinstalling again but previously Run Build Task in VS Code does not show the “ObstacleAssaultEditor” build task or ANY tasks. Please help I mostly bought this PC to dev UE on Windows and I can use OSX and Linux but Windows is not my friend.

Has anyone gotten the toolchain to work on Windows 11? Any thoughts why when editing class in C++ I see no build tasks like I do per the class on my OSX.

Please help.

I reinstalled Visual Studio Community 2022, was able to find the Unreal Engine tools under Desktop C++ Game Dev. One error I realized I made is that after changing Edit->Editor Preferences->General->Source Code Editor between Visual Studio and VS Code, I did not do Tools->Refresh [VS Code Project]. When I then opened the proj manually in VS Code the build tasks were not set up. But once I Refreshed they worked in either Visual Studio or VS Code.

Some additional problems that confused me listed here in case they help anyone:
I had a “code 6 error” during build tasks and this was cause the IDE did not like UEEditor open in background. Closing and rebuilding fixed but I didn’t have to do this on OSX.

Still a noob to UE and C++ dev (am good with code in general but each toolchain/IDE is its own work) so after I added Tools->New C++ Class, I did not “drag” it from Content Pane->C++ Classes into the game world and was not able to see its updated C++ code function until I did so.

But after mindfully addressing these points I have my learner project updating and building! Thanks!

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