I have followed the instructions completely but the trigger message (Package picked up) doesn’t seem to work no matter what I do. Any help please?
I have followed the instructions completely but the trigger message (Package picked up) doesn’t seem to work no matter what I do. Any help please?
I have set the square as trigger as well.
This script has to be on the car. It appears you have placed it on the package
Everything looks fine and when I test it with your settings (the ones I can see) it works fine for me. Can you expand the Rigidbody2D
on the car, please?
Okay, no problem. Thank you for the help.
Earlier before i had got this message below when i clicked play but i changed the folder the project was saved in and it stopped appearing.
this looks fine, too. can you upload the project somewhere so I can take a look? I’m not sure if your folder change caused the issues but nothing I can see here is a problem
Where would be best to send/upload?
Anywhere we both can access. Google drive, for example
Sorry, I almost forgot about this. I don’t have access to the folder. I need permission
Yeah, got it. The problem is simple; You have a space in front of your tag. Your tag is " Package" but then you check if you hit “Package” - which is not the same. I had to make a new tag without the space, and then set the tag on Package and Square to the new one. Then I could delete the one with the space. You could, of course, leave it like it is and just check if (other.tag == " Package")
but I do not recomend that.
This issue is why we recommend you use other.CompareTag("Package")
instead of other.tag == "Package"
. CompareTag
will not only compare the tag, but also check if it exists and raise an exception if it doesn’t. That’s how I found the issue. It’s too easy to make a typo and anything that helps to eliminate error is a good thing
Thank you so much for the help, It worked! I will use other.CompareTag from now on and be more careful XD.
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