Can't get objects' force fields to affect each other?

It seems like it is impossible to get two (and presumably more) objects with force fields to actually affect each other - you need to create a separate force field object and parent it to the object in question.

Is that right? That’s the only way it is working for me.


I think it is true, I played with physics a little and the only way I was able to get the mesh object (with a force field enable in physic panel) to move was when I set the object to have a soft body physics or a cloth physics, but then the force field of that object didn’t move, even more the origin of the object didn’t move, only the mesh. So they don’t really affect each other.

Well there was also that time when my mesh object was being pushed by another object (with no force field), and this time the force field followed along the mesh.

I can’t seem to find anything about it in the blender manual :disappointed: But I think the only good way is to do as you said, parent an empty with a force field under the object.

I am no expert but I hope this will help you, cheers !

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