Can't get automatically merge vertices toggle switch to work

Running Blender 2.78. If I create a new cube either in object or edit mode, snap it to an existing block (snap by vertice), with ‘automatically merge vertices selected’, it snaps fine, but does NOT merge the vertices. Tried re-starting blender, checked all my settings are the same as in the video. Toggled the switch off and on - even if I join the vertices are still separate. If I remove doubles they disappear. Any ideas why it won’t auto remove them with this option selected?

Hi @magicBeast
I am not sure my tip will help fix your pb, but I had the same issue and figured out what was not working in my situation.

In my case, I noticed the source of the problem came from the moment I created the new cube. If when creating the new cube you are in Object Mode, this non only creates a new cube but also a new object. And I think that the “automatically merge vertices moved to the same location” feature does not work for vertices belonging to 2 distinct objects.

To fix that, I ensured I was in Edit Mode at the moment I created the new cube. This way the new cube was part of the previous object already created before. Then, when I moved the new cube next to the previous one, the “automatically merge vertices moved to the same location” worked well.

hope this can help.


Yeah, you are correct. I worked it out some time ago. I’ve found it’s
usually a bad idea to create things in edit mode, as they will be linked to
an existing object, which was a concept not clearly explained. It is quite
easy to untangle them once you have grasped the concept that an ‘object’ is
actually a container for one or more actual objects which can become
linked together! Quite irritating when you don’t realise this happens when
making a new object in edit mode at first though!

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Thank you! This answer solved my problem as well.

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