Can't find watch

I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I cannot find the Watch option for Debugging. It doesn’t show it when I right click the highlighted bit of code. Anyone know where I can find it?

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Debug > Windows > Watch > Watch 1

Watch sub-sub-menu is visible only during debugging (e.g. while the debugger is on a breakpoint)


I can’t get (Guess[MHWChar] == MyHiddenWord[MHWChar]) into the watch tab. i have the breakpoint and the tab is open but when i right click it there is still no option to add it to watch.

The debugger needs to be running for it to work

i am running the debugger unless im missing something

nvm im just an idiot

I have the same problem! What did you do wrong? :slight_smile:

Never mind, I found the solution. Apparently you have to run the debugger until it reaches the breakpoint…

Jeez, thanks. Could not find any of the windows they were using during debugging here(having looked under the View and Window tabs, etc) and the actual VS2017 F1 ‘Help’ site brings up NO results when searching for Autos, Call Stack, etc. Very frustrating, thanks for solving this.

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