Can't find the "Subtract" Tab on my version of Blender

Hi there, been trying to catch up with the older version of Blender before I move onto the revamped version.

Theres been a couple of tutorials now and I can’t find the “Subtract” tab anywhere. I’ve searched online and can’t figure out what the alternative way of doing this is. It’s driving me nuts. Can someone please help me!


Hello and welcome :smiley:

I don’t understand the question. Which subtract tab are you referring to?

Is it the math node in the node editor? In which case you find the math node and just set it to subtract.

If it’s something else, could you maybe post a timestamp or a screenshot of the place in the lesson? ^^


If you are using an old Blender version, it is best to show a screen dump of your screen, currently working.

  • Do you mean ‘substract’ as in booleans?

General Q&A note

Help us all to help you.
Please give full screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
This can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left-hand side.
On that menu dropdown is ‘save screenshot’.

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Likewise I do not recognise what just words subtract are about. NO question is likely to find a solution in this area of life and work without lots of full informative images.

On another point, Personally I think you are wasting your time using any old version of Blender. Changes are often substantial if only the moving of buttons and big advances in speed and capability. Next version out in a month or so will have an entire new Principled bdsf main node. Life in this area only moves forward there is little to nothing to gain in starting a mile behind.

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This would be referring to the Subtract tool on Box Select:

In later versions of Blender, these text boxes were replaced with icons. Subtract is the 3rd one along:

Personally I think you are wasting your time using any old version of Blender.

I think Sprinse was referring to the older version of the Blender course. Personally I recommend it – the style of the newer Blender courses has never worked for me, and I never would have got into Blender if I took those courses as an introduction today. I still sometimes go back to Michael and Rick’s videos to refresh my memory on things. But I agree, if someone is doing the old course they should be using the later versions of Blender. Sometimes it just means finding where a button has moved to.

(And welcome to the community Sprinse, nice to have you here. :slight_smile: )


Yes this was what I was referring to thank you!

I tried following Michael’s tutorial and he selected the subtract tab then box selected the faces on his “Mayan Pyramid”.

I think it’s just a faster way of deselecting faces. I’m hoping what you’ve suggested does the same thing


Yes, it does the same thing. You can also just hold Ctrl as you select which will also subtract/de-select.


Thankyou Myn, if something else comes up that I can’t see on Blender 3.0 I will let you know


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