Can't find BuildingEscape.VC.db


Just would like to point out this early that I can not seem to find my BuildingEscape.VC.db in my BuildingEscape folder.

My version of Unreal Engine is 4.16.1.

See my attached folder directory:

Any advice on why it isn’t being created? I have followed the instruction as per Section 3, Lecture 57.

Thanks in advance.

Which version of VS your’re using?

It’s version 15.2. (26430.14) Release, Visual Studio 2017

Seems VS2017 changed that file’s location, look for it in a sub-folder inside .vc folder

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Alright thank you ill check it out.

the .vs folder does contain the data base file but it’s not named under BuildingEscape… and when i checked my treesizefree, my BuildingEscape folder only has about 404MB (compared to the 1+ GB in the lecture). Please see attached image:

On another note, I tried moving forward in the lecture, and my StartedContent folder can’t be found in my Content folder. Which later was a problem coz I could not find my started components or models.

Is there something I did wrong? Does it matter if I register my C++?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry if this a dumb question, I’m a complete noob and checked your discussion because I had the same question about the vc.db file, but when you created the project did you remember to select “With Starter Content” on the new project screen? For me it was set to “Without…” by default.

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oh, i didn’t notice that, perhaps it’ll answer my question.

thanks a lot! and don’t worry i’m also a noob in this hehe, lets help out each other.

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Sounds good to me XD. No Problem hope it helps

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I have the same problem Visual Studio game build don’t derive files ?

and also when i created BuildingEscape project there wasn’t created build folder
what it’s means?

Perhaps it’s the version of the Unreal Project. I couldn’t find my BuildingEscape.VC.db, so I just ignored it as long as I can open the game in Visual studio.

As for the Build, I’m not sure wit that anyway we will be ‘excluding’ it in the later videos, better ask for a more professional opinion since I’m also new =)

maybe you right thank you

@Levani_Pirtskhalava I believe that the build folder only gets created once you have created a build of your game for the first time eg: clicked Build in Unreal. It will appear in the intermediate folder.
@Lionel as for the BuildingEscape.VC.db in the latest versions of Unreal these files are now all created under the .vs folder, I added this whole folder to my .gitignore file.


yes, thank you for the info. Already figured it out when I couldn’t fin the .vc file lol.

Anyway, can you help me on something? I don’t know what #include to put in my code so that UWorld and other codes would read in my library…:


any suggestions?

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Thanks a lot! This explained it for me.

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