Cant find a way to add components to a pawn BP

cant find a way to add components to a pawn BP is there a workaround for this or did I do something wrong?

If you can find the Pawn you’re trying to add components to in your Content Browser, then double click on it. This will bring up the editor for the object, then head to the top left corner (by default, you may have changed it…) to the components window, then use the Add Component button.
You can also drag and drop components from your Content Browser onto the pawn in this window.

If the pawn you’re trying to ad components to is not in the Content Browser, then you’ll want to find it in the scene, then select it like any other object and add components the normal way (at the top of the Details window, wherever you have it placed)

I was solved I had to go to window then to components.

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