Can't extract Impact VFX Package properly

Hey there,

I have tried to extract the VFX UnityPackage from the lesson’s resources directory, but the UnityPackage automatically changes into several junk folders:

Inside each folder are a bunch of data files which seem to be no use to me:

I am using MacOS Mojave (yes, I am one of those kinds of people that HAS to have the latest version of software for everything).

Can someone help me please?




After some digging in the questions section of the lecture, I have found the solution!

  1. Download zip.
  2. Open up Terminal.
  3. Change directory to where the zip is located through Terminal (e.g if it is in your download folder, enter cd Downloads)
  4. Enter the following command in Terminal: unzip

The default decompression client on MacOS extracts the .unitypackage as well as the zip file. Using the Terminal command doesn’t go so far (thankfully).


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