Can't draw custom physics shape

in the sprite editor I can’t draw a custom physics shape. My sprite is sliced into 16 pixel units. Looks like it will only allow 1 16 pixel unit square to have a custom physics shape. when i click drag no physics shape is made. What am I doing wrong?


Which version of Unity do you use? Could you please share screenshots of what you see in Unity? Are you in the “physics shape” mode in the Sprite Editor?

I think so?

does this method only work for a single tile?

Unfortunately, Unity’s manual does not reveal any information on this either. :frowning:

It seems that you have to select one slided tile (see the blue outline in the top row) and define a shape within that box. Try to create the shapes based on what you need. If you are lucky, the CompositeCollider2D merges the edges when you use the ladder tiles in your scene.

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