Can't download the standard assets pack

I have a problem. I’m using the newest version of Unity (2019.3.7f1) and I can’t seem to download the standard assets pack being used in lecture 84. When I click on ‘import package’ there is only one option, which is ‘custom package’. When I go to the download link for the asset pack, I get a message saying that the package has been deprecated. Help, please :slight_smile:

I figured out a way! Go to Unity Hub and ‘Installs’. Click ‘Add’ and click on ‘download archive’. Locate a 2017 version, click on the windows or mac download and choose standard assets. Install them a place where you can find them. Then you just drag the package into the Unity editor :slight_smile:

Welcome to your community! And good job on solving the problem yourself. Also thanks for sharing your solution. :slight_smile:

Alternatively to downgrading to an earlier version of Unity, one could download the Standard Assets package for newer versions of Unity from the Unity Assets store. See here:

Updated Mon Mar 30 2020 13:02
It seems the Standard Assets are gone again. They sometimes appear in the Unity Asset store, and sometimes disappear. Really annoying.

Depending on the package you need, you could also take a look at Window > Package Manager in newer versions of Unity. Some assets are already included there.

FYI, I tried the method above and downloaded the Standard Assets pack. It doesn’t contain the Waypoints script. The list I get on import doesn’t look like Bens list in the video., Some things are the same, others aren’t.

It is also not found in Windows -> Package Manager.

Can you leave this thread open for longer than 24 hours, in the hope we find a solution. Otherwise this section of the course grinds to a halt before we’ve really started.

Good news, I have the full answer. I will copy/paste and add the required additional info…

Go to Unity Hub and ‘Installs’.
Click ‘Add’ and click on ‘download archive’.
Locate a 2017 version - ******* specifically, 2017.3.0 *******
Click on the windows or mac download and choose standard assets.
Install them a place where you can find them.
Then you just drag the package into the Unity editor

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