Can't create/find session Steam

Hello everyone, I’m using the Unreal 5.4 version, I ran into such a problem that I can’t find the created session. Search and create is used from different devices, even using a VPN. But the bottom line is this, initially, when I was just making this system, I could only find my session from one device (a host without a VPN is the one who searches without a VPN), I didn’t like it, I decided to redo it, as a result, the search stopped working for me at all (it works, I see other people’s sessions with errors), but not mine. After 2 days of fruitless attempts to fix something, I saw my first result, I found the first user, unfortunately, it was not my second computer, then he disappeared, after that one person appeared, I found him by nickname on steam and added him as a friend and wrote to him, after that I I also found my account, but after a while, when I tried again, I couldn’t find it. I asked the person I found by nickname to create a session again (he used Advanced Session BP), but unfortunately he also stopped showing up. I don’t know what to do, I need your help






I have linked the FindSession and СreateSession functions to the widget buttons

void UMyUserWidgetTEST::NativeConstruct()


  IOnlineSubsystem*  OnlineSubsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
  if(OnlineSubsystem && GEngine)
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("SubSystem name = %s"), *OnlineSubsystem->GetSubsystemName().ToString()));
    OnlineSessionPtr = OnlineSubsystem->GetSessionInterface();

  FNamedOnlineSession* OnlineSession = OnlineSessionPtr->GetNamedSession(NAME_GameSession);

  if(OnlineSession != nullptr)
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Cyan, FString("All session's clear!"));


void UMyUserWidgetTEST::CreateSession()

  if (OnlineSessionPtr.IsValid()) {
    FOnlineSessionSettings sessionSettings = FOnlineSessionSettings();
    sessionSettings.bIsLANMatch = false;
    sessionSettings.NumPublicConnections = 2;
    sessionSettings.bShouldAdvertise = true;
    sessionSettings.bUsesPresence = true;
    sessionSettings.bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;

    OnlineSessionPtr->CreateSession(0, NAME_GameSession, sessionSettings);

void UMyUserWidgetTEST::OnSessionCreated(FName InSessionName, bool InWasCreated)
  if (GEngine)
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Cyan, FString::Printf(TEXT("InSessionName = %s, InWasCreated=%d"), *InSessionName.ToString(), InWasCreated));
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Cyan, FString("Sesion not created!"));

void UMyUserWidgetTEST::OnFindSessionsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful)
  if (bWasSuccessful && OnlineSessionSearch->SearchResults.Num() > 0)
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Found %d sessions"), OnlineSessionSearch->SearchResults.Num());
    for (const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& SearchResult : OnlineSessionSearch->SearchResults)
      FString SessionName = SearchResult.GetSessionIdStr();
      FString HostUserName = SearchResult.Session.OwningUserName;
      int32 CurrentPlayers = SearchResult.Session.SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections - SearchResult.Session.NumOpenPublicConnections;
      int32 MaxPlayers = SearchResult.Session.SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections;

      UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Session: %s | Host: %s | Players: %d/%d"), *SessionName, *HostUserName, CurrentPlayers, MaxPlayers);
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("No sessions found or search failed"));


void UMyUserWidgetTEST::FindSession()
  OnlineSessionSearch = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch);

  OnlineSessionSearch->QuerySettings.Set(SEARCH_PRESENCE, true, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);
  OnlineSessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = false;
  OnlineSessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 100;

  if (OnlineSessionPtr) 
    OnlineSessionPtr->OnFindSessionsCompleteDelegates.AddUObject(this, &UMyUserWidgetTEST::OnFindSessionsComplete);
    OnlineSessionPtr->FindSessions(0, OnlineSessionSearch.ToSharedRef());

logs after CreateFunction:

[2024.08.29-21.19.28:905][442]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS: dumping NamedSession:
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:905][442]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   SessionName: GameSession
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:906][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   HostingPlayerNum: 0
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:907][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   SessionState: Pending
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:908][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   RegisteredPlayers:
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:908][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:       0 registered players
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:909][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS: dumping Session:
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:909][443]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   OwningPlayerName: MyNic
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:910][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   OwningPlayerId: MyNic
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:911][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   NumOpenPrivateConnections: 0
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:911][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   NumOpenPublicConnections: 1
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:912][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   SessionInfo: HostIP: INVALID SteamP2P: 76561198309282988:7777 Type: Lobby session SessionId: Lobby[0x186000040BCE73F]
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:913][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS: dumping SessionSettings:
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:913][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   NumPublicConnections: 2
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:914][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   NumPrivateConnections: 0
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:914][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bIsLanMatch: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:915][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bIsDedicated: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:915][444]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bUsesStats: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:916][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bShouldAdvertise: true
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:917][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bAllowJoinInProgress: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:917][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bAllowInvites: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:918][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bUsesPresence: true
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:918][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bAllowJoinViaPresence: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:919][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly: false
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:919][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   BuildUniqueId: 0x01f83457
[2024.08.29-21.19.28:920][445]LogOnlineSession: Verbose: OSS:   Settings:

I will add that I see some lobbies when searching, but they are erroneous, as I understand it, pirates use them for their games:

[2024.08.29-21.19.30:813][767]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Found 49 lobbies, finalizing the search
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:813][767]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Search result 0: LobbyId=Lobby[0x18600004047CC93], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:814][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unable to parse search result for lobby 'Lobby[0x18600004047CC93]'
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:816][767]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Search result 1: LobbyId=Lobby[0x186000040BCE5A1], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:817][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Removed incompatible build: ServerBuildUniqueId = 0x0182f6ad, GetBuildUniqueId() = 0x01f83457
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:817][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unable to parse search result for lobby 'Lobby[0x186000040BCE5A1]'
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:818][767]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Search result 2: LobbyId=Lobby[0x18600004063E827], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:819][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unable to parse search result for lobby 'Lobby[0x18600004063E827]'
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:820][767]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Search result 3: LobbyId=Lobby[0x186000040AD2045], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:821][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data allowrespawn True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:822][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key allowrespawn value True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:822][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data allowspectating True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:823][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key allowspectating value True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:823][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data contentpackage Vanilla
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:824][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key contentpackage value Vanilla
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:825][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data contentpackagehash D0E38254DD22C1899F0DA45670E30BCA
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:825][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key contentpackagehash value D0E38254DD22C1899F0DA45670E30BCA
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:826][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data eoscrossplay False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:826][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key eoscrossplay value False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:827][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data friendlyfireenabled True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:827][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key friendlyfireenabled value True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:830][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data gamemode sandbox
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:831][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key gamemode value sandbox
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:831][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data gamestarted False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:832][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key gamestarted value False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:832][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data haspassword True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:833][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key haspassword value True
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:834][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data karmaenabled False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:834][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key karmaenabled value False
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:835][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data language Russian
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:836][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key language value Russian
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:836][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data lobbyowner STEAM_1:0:778658430
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:837][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key lobbyowner value STEAM_1:0:778658430
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:838][767]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unknown or unsupported data type from Steam key data maxplayers 2
[2024.08.29-21.19.30:838][768]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to parse setting from key maxplayers value 2

Hi and welcome to the community.
Are you trying this in the editor or launching from command line? Which course does this relate to? I ask this as we aim to support gamedev tv courses here.

I’m sure you are aware that you can’t use Steam from the editor as it isn’t supported.

Thanks for the answer, yes I am building a project. To be honest, I asked the question without relying on any course, I had previously seen how you help a couple of people solve similar questions, so I decided to ask.

Generally, if I can provide a quick answer I would but debugging steam connections can take hours or even a couple of days to figure out.

Sorry I can’t be of more help

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