Can't create a c++ class(an actor one)

Hi,when i try to create a c++ class( an actor one) i get this message:

then i am being redirected on the visual studio code saying this
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include “MovingPlatform.h”

// Sets default values



// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.

PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;


// Called when the game starts or when spawned

void AMovingPlatform::BeginPlay()




// Called every frame

void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float DeltaTime)




And i tried reinstalling, and much more but nothing works=(
can you help me please =)

What do you get by compiling from VS Code? If you don’t know how to do that use

Ctrl + Shift + B > ProjectNameEditor Platform Development Build.

Where ProjectName is the name of your project and Platform is the platform you’re targeting e.g. Win64

Where do i put the ctrl shift b command?

where do i put that command? i really need help

In VS Code.

Ok, i solved that thing but now, when i manually compile it, i restart the project and then it gives me this
and if i press yes

You compiled from VS Code? You must likely used the wrong build task. You need to use the editor version.

Ok so can you explain me exactly how do i fix it?

Compiling as I suggested should give you an output of the compilation including errors. Could you show that?

Ok so i have to go in the VS and ctrl shift and b and then? Compile what? The project?

Yes. Are you having trouble with that?

Oh ok

Im going to tell you if it works

Ok so i opened the project in VS code and runned the build task! Win64 development build, i opened this and it still doesnt workz

That’s not the right build task. You need spercamerge1Editor Win64 Development Build.

Then please show the output of that.

ok, i did that and still

ok so still not working

The file it mentions is part of the C++ Standard Library. Have you successfully installed Visual Studio Community as described in the course?

this is what my problem looks like

What does the problems say?

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