Can't compile bull cow game inside UE 4.22

So i opened the game inside UE 4.22 but i can’t see any compile button in the Toolbar! Somebody can help me pls?

Could you show a screenshot of what you’re seeing instead please?

Sure! This is what i’m seeing:

Could you try closing Unreal and then deleting the project’s Binaries and Intermediate folders and then re-opening it?

I did just that and i still can’t see a compile button!

Can you open the VS Code workspace and compile from there? Just do

Ctrl + Shift + B > ProjectNameEditor Platform Development Build.

Where ProjectName is the name of your project and Platform is the platform you’re targeting e.g. Win64

I don’t understand this! Sorry i’m a beginner at coding! So i should open the file in vsc then press ctrl + shift + b and write in ProjectNameEditor Platform Development Build?

You need to use the workspace which you can open via Unreal’s file menu. You enter that keyboard shortcut and then search. I find it easier to search for “editor”


ToonTanks would be BullCowGame in your instance.

I found the solution! I wanted to open the projects in visual studio but it didn’t wanted to open so i changed the source code in editor preferences to Visual studio 2017 and now i can compile the project!

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