Cant combine Menu System section with Krazy Karts

Ok basically, the krazy karts project wont work properly if you join a session.

The Roles are the issue, checked by printing from the GoKartMovementComponent tick - in a regular game mode as per the course outline, it works fine in every aspect. The server prints as role Authority and Simulated_Proxy and moves fine.

In a session game as combined with the menu system, the server prints as role Authority only, and wont move. All throttle values will print as per the input. If you Create a move, and simulate the move, it will move, but then the client becomes jittery, and the server doesnt replicate to the client…

This system needs to be reviewed and updated with a fix

@GameDevTv has anyone looked at this yet?

No one so far - pretty poor response considering its a major design flaw in the course curriculum. Im still working on a fix and will post when i find one

I have created a fix - anyone who is interested may hit me up about it. It works correctly, accurately and smoothly like the original code

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