Can't build unreal projects

While working on the shooter project, I switched to Rider because got annoyed by vscode, but in Rider, I couldn’t build, so I switched back. Now, I can’t build in vscode either (neither of my projects), and I can’t even create new unreal projects because it says “missing modules”. In the vscode, it says these errors:

I tried to reinstall vs, vscode, but nothing helped. I’m using unreal 5.4.2.
Please help, I’m really annoyed at this point.

This is actually because MSVC, as part of Visual Studio is too new. You have to install MSVC 14.38 as part of Visual Studio 2022 - just launch the installer, click modify and search for 14.38 under individual components and there will be a range. Select the CLI, Build Tools and ATL for 14.38 (all for x64/x86) and let it install.
Close your editors, delete the Binaries, Intermediate and Saved folders from the project folder and then open the uproject. It should build at this point. Then from tools menu, select Refresh VS Code (or whatever editor) and hopefully you can open your code editor as well now.

Let me know if this works. I see this so often.

It works now, really thank you! Do you have any tip what to do, if the intellisense stops working in vscode?

Yes, stop using VS Code and instead switch to Rider or Visual Studio. The courses use VS Code because it looks the same on Mac, Windows and Linux. So does Rider.

I would recommend Rider over VS just because it is less memory hungry.

Sorry, let me clarify. Some people do favour VS Code but it is a text editor basically, doesn’t work that well. Rider was recently made available for personal use and VS Community has been free for years but Windows only.

So, Rider works on all platforms and it it is as feature complete as VS Community (probably beyond if I’m being hoenst) and so Generally I’d say it would now be the preferred tool. I have a paid-for license now for about 7 years - worth every penny.

I’d be glad to switch to Rider, the only reason I haven’t done it yet, because the course doesn’t show how to build in Rider, and I got lost in it. Can you help me with building in Rider?

It’s the easiest thing in the world - right click on the project and select Build

Also, I have mine set to use VS Community key maps so CTRL+SHIFT+B OR

I got these errors in rider…

Also, do I need any specific build configuration? (like in vscode)

You may need to refresh the project. Did you open the sln file or the uproject (UE5.5 broke Uproject support so use the sln file)

Yes, refreshing solved it! After that I got these problems:

But I could build successfully, thank you!

Yes, this is a nightmare. There’s a whole load of tools and they need additional libraries to build They weren’t present in older versions so it is something new. The easy way to resolve this one is to open the solution in VS 2022 and it will tell you what is missing and how to install it (click a link, does it for you) and when done, this should go away if you go back to Rider.

Of course, you can also ignore the issues as you don’t need any of this.

Thanks, the problems has disseappeared! One last question, do I need to close the editor when building in Rider too?

Depends on what you’ve changed. If you modify a header in any way, yes is the answer. That applies to any editor

Thank you! I really appreciate all your help!

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