Can't add Event AnimNotify_attack in animation BP

i use UE 5.3 for the " Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint Game Developer Online Course"
stuck on MarsMarine “Handling Player Death” video

in AnimBP_Alien/EventGraph I have this problem

I did this steps:

I missed something, but I can’t figure out what
Please Help!!!

Based on the screenshots you’ve given me, there isn’t anything you’ve missed. That said, there are two things you can try.

  1. Turn off context sensitivity, just in case the event is getting filtered out for some weird reason
  2. This is more a question, but does this behavior continue to occur after closing the project and opening it up again?

Tuomo_T is incorrect, you ARE doing something wrong :slight_smile: You are attempting to add the event to the alien blueprint, but it should be the ANIM blueprint. Regrettably, this does not solve the issue for me, however :slight_smile: The closest I can get is to add the event AnimNotify_ DamagePlayer, where DamagePlayer is the function I created in my BP_Alien blueprint to do the 15 damage in an attack on the player. I’m not pulling a reference to the animnotify_attack like the tutorial says we should. I’m going to continue down the path a bit and see if I can use what I got to perform the same intended function. Stay Tuned :slight_smile:

follow up. You can duplicate the damage function thusly. Programming efficiency not certified as I am a complete beginner at UE :slight_smile:

add to the Alien blueprint, where you play the montage, add your damagePlayer function (or whatever you called it) to the onNotifybegin pin

add to the marine BP an anydamage event that applies the damage to the payerHP or whatever you called player health

examples shown

Ummmm, no I’m not. Look at the first screenshot again.

Ah, my apology :slight_smile: that ref to an attack in his event graph for the anim is not a good search for anim-notify. But ue5 won’t follow this part of the tutorial regardless. My solution is not ideal. It doesn’t handle multiple cases.

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