Cannot select individual bones in weight paint mode

I’m having a problem with the part where @Grant_Abbitt explains how to select the armature, followed by the model then entering weight paint mode to select individual parts.

Ctrl clicking is supposed to select the individual bones but it does literally nothing. I’ve replayed the instructions four or five times and followed to the point but it just isn’t working. Is this an issue that perhaps arrived with the update to Blender 4.0?


With a little experimentation I found that the shortcut is actually (ALT + CLICK), not (CTRL + CLICK)! Is this an error in the video or a shortcut change in the software? :slight_smile:


It’s a shortcut change. I’m not sure exactly when the change happened, but in general, researching the shortcut for something should be your very first thought when a shortcut from the videos doesn’t work. That will hopefully save you some frustration in future; glad you got this one sorted as quickly as you did =)

Also worth mentioning that under any given lecture where such a problem has arisen, there’s a good chance someone will have already found the new shortcut and made a post about it. Those are always worth checking.


Technically speaking the new short cut as of 4.0 is Shift+Ctrl+Left click. I also use alt+click, but that may be remove in future versions. Also in 4.1 there will be a dedicated bone selection mode. It will have a bone icon in the header and currently the mode’s hotkey is 3 on the top row of the keyboard. 1 and 2 are for masking modes. Alt+LMB and shift+Ctrl+LMB still works.


As said by Dwayne. The new shortcut is Shift+Ctrl Click
Alt +Shift I thought it was also currently works, but that may well be in error and subject to correcting later.

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