Cannot see window

At 3:55 when you create a blank window, I can’t see anything, and I’m not getting any errors. I also cannot get my window to show at the end of the course/ with all the code. Again, no errors, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.


Okay, I found a fix - I had to delete my C# script file and create a brand new one. No idea why that fixed it, but it did.

Without seeing the script, it’s hard to say exactly what the issue was, but sometimes starting a script over or rolling back to a working state can let the right solution come through.

There is also a bit of a weird bug with UIToolkit that can prevent you from opening up the editor window. If you reload your Unity layout (from the dropdown in the top right of the environment) it clears out the partly loaded windows and should start working as expected.
I’m pretty sure I mention this at some point during the course but I can’t remember where exactly. It’s definitely something I encountered a lot during development and it seems to mostly happen if you save a change to the C# code while the editor window or UI builder are open.

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