please i need a solution for this problem
after 3 hours of research on the internet and did everything include refresh visual studio code project but not work
still i attempted to generate visual studio project and when i try to launch the project in unreal i get this message “ The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: UE4Editor-BuildingEscape.dll Would you like to rebuild them now? " after i click yes its say “ BuildingEscape could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually ”
Please provide the log in Saved > Logs
Sorry, to be clear I meant the contents of the recent log.
i dont quite get it, do you mean the log in ue4 or visual studio code ?
i found out that i was missing the include path in my visual studio code file while everyone have it
To clarify, I meant open the BuildingEscape log file in a text editor and post its contents.
No, from your previous screenshot, double click “Building Escape”.
Yes, though I would need to see the whole thing. As you’ve said you’ve fixed it (unless I misunderstood) then just remember this for next time.
i havent fix this yet can still looking for a solution so can you help please
as you see my visual studio code still display cannot open source file error and its still remain there even though i have tried many solution for this
i cannot sleep well because of this and always get this error compile in ue4
i rebuilded my game 2 times
Let’s skip VS Code issues for now as they are just visual.
Your error message says you have an issue on line 5 in OpenDoor1.cpp but you don’t show that code or the full error message so I will need to see that.
You have misspelled GameFramework, you have an extra w.
Also I forgot to mention that in your header you shouldn’t use an absolute path. Just write
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
what is an absolute path and should i care about the error cannot open source file and include path problem, what is the cause of it, because i really need to avoid this next time .Its make my code hard to read with full of red lines and i cannot find the definition of my code and my targetYaw get a color of white instead of blue in the course
- this problem lines always show this error even when i have another error