Can you reset a UV Map to a blank one? (And issues with reseting a UV Map)

I’ve been taking the blender character creator class on Udemy and generally completed the UV unwrapping chapter. I’ve got a UV Unwrap done, but I wanted to try again from scratch to see if I could do better. The problem is if I try to create a new image file using the UV editor, it seems to remember the UV Mapping I’ve done before. I’ve tried using the reset UV projection, but this turns the UV Map into lots of squares stacked on top of each other and causes my computer to slow down drastically. If I try and remove the UV Map in the Properties window (On the Object Data Properties tab), the old UV reappears the moment I try and Unwrap it again. I’ve done some basic searching on google, but cant seem to find any help. I have two questions if anyone can enlighten me. First, its there a way to create a Blank UV for a group of objects that already has UV Mapping? Second, Why does resetting the UV Projection cause the UV Map to turn into a mass of squares stacked on top of each other?

Here is a picture of the mesh before trying to reset the mesh.

Here is a Picture of the Mesh after trying to Reset the UV Projectile

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If you unwrap the same as last time it will look the same.
The reset, I believe is very basic, every face gets a full square UV on its own.
Recently read more islands in UV map slower render/working, which coincides well with your comment of the basic unwrap slowing down your machine.

To unwrap differently, just use a different option, cube, cylinder, smart UV, Project form view, smart unwrap, etc. Or add more marked seams, to control the unwraps, etc. It just updates, changes.

If you want a second UV map done differently, keeping the first, then you need to add one in the UV maps slots, standard default one (that recreates itself if you delete it and need a place for a new unwrap to go I suspect) showing in your first image. Called UVMap. Add a new slot like adding a texture slot, with the little plus to the side, give it a new relevant name. Unwrap with the new slot active, highlighted. You should then be able to swap about old and new UV maps via those slots selections.

Hopefully, if I am wrong someone else will correct this later. :grin:

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Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
I did as you suggested and removed was able to create a new UV Map. The Second attempt seems better than the first. I do note that when I create a new UV Map in the Properties menu, it creates a copy of the first one.

I feel that I was not very clear on the subject of resetting the UV Projection. When I select all and use the Reset command in the UV Menu, it turns all the islands into squares that take up the entire UV Map and stacks them on top of each other. I’m pretty sure that the slowdown caused by this is from my computer trying to highlight all the Islands at once when I try and select one of them.

I’m sorry If i sound like a broken record, but when creating a new UV Map, is there a way to make the new UV Map start blank if you already have another one for the same object (or objects)?

Thank you for your time.

No. I have experimented and see no way. The only way to have a blank UV map is to prevent one being created with the first added mesh object, by unticking the relevant box. Then if you click the plus in the UV Maps to add one it is blank until you do an unwrap. But extra ones will ‘start out’ as copies of the first one.

It just serves no purpose to create a blank ‘file’. Anything in one is simply replaced be any new unwrap. Though I guess there might be occasions when you want a copy of the first to add on different extra additional textures in the same way.

What you say makes sense. Thank you for all your help.

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