Can you give provide feedback/insight on the gameplay of my game Portal Reign?

I believe I fixed it with this code: But still count one less out of 13 enemies the You Lose! Message comes to soon towards the end of the timeline :frowning:

void OnGUI()
        if (killedAllEnemies)
            youWinText.text = "You Win!";
            youWin = true;
        int length = FindObjectsOfType<Enemy>().Length;
        if (enemiesLeft == 0x1)
            youLoseText.text = "You Lose!";
            youLose = true;

Hi Rob, How did the new pass for you?

Hi Martin,

“As expected” would probably be the best answer I could give. I hope yours was good and Happy New Year.

Happy to pick up your queries tomorrow, can you list your questions/issues and provide a link to download the current version of your project (without the library folder) please.

My new year turned out great it seems I may start my Masters soon than later thanks to a former employee helping me out. It good to hear from you, I actually started my fps game going to invest in Daz3D assets to complete Portal Reign that will link to the fps (Portal Reign Investigation) scene two of the game. I would like to complete fixing the flaws and all the code we are working on before updating ships and buying assets for second scene. :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear :slight_smile:

Awesome, you are indeed off to a great start for 2019!

Sure, I can spare some time tomorrow, so if you could list the specific issues and I’ll be happy to help.

Awesome! this is what I was able to figure out. These lines of code below get me to receive the You Lose! message but, it shows to soon by killing only 12 enemies then the You Win also shows after killing the thirteenth enemy at the end of the game if you follow me. I also created a GitKraken account and uploaded my game to it with no hiccups when you are ready let me know how you and I can share my GitKraken files. You did mention it would be easier fro you to trouble-shoot using GitKraken. I would to fix the You Lose message to show only if missing one enemy finally, the restart method I look into this found some creditable source but want to do one step at the time. Thank you

void OnGUI()
        if (killedAllEnemies)
            youWinText.text = "You Win!";
            youWin = true;
        int length = FindObjectsOfType<Enemy>().Length;
        if (enemiesLeft == 0x1)
            youLoseText.text = "You Lose!";
            youLose = true;

Hi Martin,

GitKraken is just a Git client, so you’ll need to upload (_push) your files to a Git repository, GitHub for example.

I’d prefer if you could list all of the issues you want to resolve and then I will tackle each one and hopefully be able to provide you some closure. Could you list the specific issues, aside from the “You Lose” message one you’ve already stated.

Please provide the URL for the Git repository when you have a moment.

Okay do I just type GitHub in google then download? How to get URL from GIitHub?


  1. The you lose message to say you lose if one enemy was miss end game miss one enemy.
  2. To get the game to end at the end of the master timeline.
  3. To get the restart method to work by pressing ®. Thank you

The URL will be from the repository that you have created, on GitHub.


The file is to big for GitHub even without the library.

I’m hoping this is correct?

The link to the repository is good, albeit that it’s empty :slight_smile:

It won’t be that the project is too big for GitHub, they have a 100MB file limit, e.g. if one of your files to larger than 100MB the commit will fail. They do have a process for handling large files, I’ve never bothered with it myself, invariably the issue is usually caused by having an asset that you aren’t using anyway in the actual project.

I will check the assets and remove the largest asset.

Rob I removed the rock files but this is what I get. I also removed the library it was easier I believe to google drive.


You are trying to commit your project files using GitKraken are you?

Rob I 'm a bit confused now, I’m following your instruction to upload to GitHub not GitKraken but I already committed to GitKraken
Please specify which one you want me to commit or upload to. Thank you :confused:

As mentioned before, GitKraken is just a GUI client, it effectively runs the command line operations that you would otherwise have to type into a command prompt yourself.

Locally you will have most likely created a repository (repo), I suspect you have committed your files to that. If you have created a repository on GitHub, the step that it looks like you’ve not done is to push you locally changes to that remote repository.

This isn’t a case of my preference, its a case of being able to actually access the files, I will not be able to access your local repository on your computer.

The aim of this whole thing was to make getting the changes easier. Each time I have helped you so far I’ve needed to get a copy of your project, at its smallest that was about 2.4GB, so it takes a little while to download. That isn’t the end of the world, but each time I open the project in Unity it sees it as a new project and has to recreate the asset database and its take a fairly long time before I can actually just run your game or view anything to make changes.

If you had your project in a GitHub repository I could potentially go through the above headache once, and then each time you commit further changes (and push them) I would only need to download the changes not the entire project again and again, nor would I have to wait whilst Unity does it’s thing each time.

I did suggest you start with a simple/test project to start with as it can take a little while to become familiar with Git. If it’s too much for you for now, share the Google Drive link again and I’ll use that one last time.

Hi Rob Okay, How can I push my local changes to that remote repository. I think I did this already not sure. :frowning:

If you had the repository wouldn’t be empty when you or I browse to it on GitHub. It is possible that your push failed if there was a file larger than 100MB.

You have to add a Remote within GitKraken (left hand side of the navigation), it will ask you for a URL, add the URL you put above in that field. It will also want a name for it, I’d suggest calling it “origin” (fairly standard).

If you are not familiar with Git - BE CAREFUL - it is incredibly easy to mess this up and create yourself all sorts of problems - again - to reiterate - PRACTICE WITH A TEST PROJECT THAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE.

Once you have the remote added you can use the Push button at the top, this will try to push the files from your local repository to the remote one, the pop-up that appears will ask for the name of the branch, just leave it empty and it will name it “master” (again, fairly standard).

It will take some time to push all the files to your remote repository. To save yourself a lot of grief I would recommend checking that you don’t have any files of 100MB or large in your project directory.

If you haven’t already, you would want to add a .gitignore file also, this would automatically then ignore files of certain types/folder structures etc (the library directory as an example and any of the .vs directories) - this will help reduce the amount of clutter that doesn’t need to be in the repository and also make your push faster.

AGAIN - if it is easier, just use Google Drive for one last go but I can’t keep doing it that way as it is consuming too much of my time. Happy to run through that way one more time, I would prefer you didn’t rush the learning of Git and potentially lose anything you’ve worked on - hence all the BOLD in the above.

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