I’ve now made three games using the Complete Unity C# Crash Course, and I’ve been LOVING the course. I’ve gone over the top making the games as best as I can and becoming more advanced than the course lends itself to(I’d probably learn it all anyways if I just waited for the next project but I’m trying way too hard). The issue is that now, I have the platformer to make, but I don’t quite think I’m ready. I want my platformer to be my best real game I make with the course, and the arcade shooter I’d rather do before it. But can I, or is it way too advanced for me? Would I be missing lessons I was supposed to learn in the platforming course? Or can I wait and make an AMAZING platformer? Anybody who’s completed the course, please let me know. Thank you!
also here are my games(pretty clearly delivery driver, snowboarder, and quiz game):
They all have quite a twist…