Can I make it better

How can I make it look better? Which light do I have to use and which Post Processing?
In image 1 i used Rect light with settings in image 2

Could you be more specific please. You seem to have an idea of what “better” is but you don’t say what that is.

When i’m far it is darker and when i’m close it’s brighter

In this video i showed it

Is that with the lighting built? What is the mesh of the wall?

I’ve built lighting and problem didnt disappear, Wall is regular cube with texture from starter pack

Do you mean that you are inside the cube, or the walls are cubes put one against the other one?

This effect looks almost like engine optimization. Often the rendering engine will not render certain effects fully if the camera is more than a certain distance away. It’s possible that it has to do with some optimization settings, like fog distance, number of lights to render, etc.

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