I want to take Unity with me because I use school computer most of the time and they don’t have Unity. Any suggestion?
Your biggest issue is likely to be that every time you change computers, Unity is going to complain that your license is invalid and want you to log in again. I’m not sure if there would be issues with environment variables as well.
Why not try asking one of your teachers/tutors that you get on well with and explain the issue and see if they can have a chat with whoever is responsible for your computers IT department. As it is for educational purposes (you can mention you are taking a course etc to provide additional credibility to your request) they may be willing to let you install it on a specific computer. Equally, as Brian mentions, they may even unblock any ports which Unity communicates over so if you do need to run the license configuration you would be able to.
Often our assumption is that the answer to a question like this would be “no”, but sometimes, when asked the right way you will be surprised how supportive people can be. You could even take in some screenshots from the course or your work, ideas, and so on to further back up your request.
If I worked in a school IT department I would much prefer to handle a sensible request and work through the best way of enabling whilst at the same time keeping the school’s computer infrastructure secure, than have someone bringing software on a USB and installing it
I did a little extra research… the only other issue might be with MonoDevelop if the computer doesn’t have the correct .NET framework installed… the solution to which is to use Notepad++ instead.
I actually got a Similiar Problem with my School. Since 3 Weeks im back to study IT-Specialist - Software Developer.
Our Computers at school secured. Blacklists, Ports disabled and so on…
I not got Unity now on my School Computer because i simple bring my Laptop now to not confront them.
But a Collegue in the school was telling me if i need something like free ports or website they blacklisted (Can you Imagine Dropbox and Google Drive is blocked) i just need to ask them to open it for me, maybe they can do this for you to.
But yeah they simple not want that you install something on the School Computer. (Its a bit strange if you want to learn Software Development and you are not able to install your own Programm but okay)
But this is a other case i think we will work out with virtual machines maybe this is an idea for you.
School Computer often have something like Virtual Box. In this case you can setup a VM with full admin rights and Install Unity on a VM.
Another way is to Script a dll to give ur User the Admin Rights, but be careful thats hacking and school not like to see and you risk your place in school with something like that
That’s already a no. The bottom line is they don’t want students to install anything so I can only run off an external drive.