Can I exclude .vs directory from my git?

I’ve got a .vs directory in my project folder (obviously a Visual Studio directory) which points to some *.suo files, *.VC.db files, and some ipch files. Some of these are really big (300+ mb). Can I exclude this directory from my git or will that mess me up?

As far as I can tell the files are largely (and large…) Intellisense data files and can be ignored/deleted, but I thought I would wait for advice from those more knowledgeable before adding them to my gitignore.


Ben talked about this in a video and said the when you create a project, the data created by the engine or vs isn’t yours. So it is not valuable and is re-creatable. The gold is what you put in those from your hands and therefore worth keeping track of.
Long story short in the next section Ben will download a pre-made .gitignore from github which will include both *.suo and *.Vc.db. So yeah. :smile:

I recently had this accident in BattleTanks section where I lost some of my files. Thanks to my previous commit which was below 10 mb, saved it.

The .suo files can be a real pain if you are working in a team and someone checks this in, it contains user preferences, so things like “how many spaces for a tab” and how line endings are handled…

…imagine the delight as each person in a team has something different and each time you open it it’s not how you like it :slight_smile:

Not needed and as @Artifexum suggests, if you visit GitHub you actually get a very good .gitignore file for Unity.

Thanks for the responses! I think I’ve accidentally committed some of those large files in the past, so now my git won’t push. I’ll have to figure that one out too.

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