Can I develop on Windows AND Mac?

I created the “Hello World” example on a Windows PC and saved the files to Dropbox. Then I installed Unity on my Mac and could open and edit the “Hello World”-project without any problem.

Is this a safe route for future developping? Going to and from from Windows to Mac and back again working on the same project?

Thank you, Caspar

PS: If the answer to my question is YES, this would be absolutely fantastic.

Hi Caspar,

If it works then great, although to me it sounds like it could get problematic, especially if you start creating different versions.

A better solution might be to use version control like Git / GitHub, you would have great control over changes that have been made, have the ability to roll back if things go wrong, and on either machine you would be able to configure a local repository to pull the updates down to.

The only other issue (annoyance) I could foresee after that would be all of the warnings you’ll get about how the line endings are different each time you open a script up on the other OS.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi Rob

Thank you. That helps a lot.

It seem to me that the Git/ GitHub way would be the best solution.

I have no practical experience with GitHub. Is there a tutoriol/manual that you can recommend for a complete beginner?

All the best, Caspar

Hi Caspar, you’re very welcome. :slight_smile:

You could start with the Git website, they have documentation and guides although a lot of this is focused at using Git via the command line. It’s good to learn this but with the advent of so many GUI clients I don’t feel its quite as necessary personally.

There is a course on Udemy called “Git Started with GitHub”, the instructors name is Jason, I recall he was very friendly and helpful and this introduction course is free. He does also provide more courses with regards to both Git and GitHub so you could perhaps see what else he offers and wait for a Udemy deal etc.

GitHub also provides guides and FAQs with regards to their service which is very good.

On the GUI client side of things there are quite a few to choose from, I personally use GitKraken, they provide a free version which does everything I need, they also offer a paid version should you require it. It’s visually pleasing to use and effectively is firing those command line entries behind the scenes so makes using Git/GitHub fairly straight forward.

One recommend I would have is that you do not start trying to use Git for the first time on a project that matters, you invariably will make a mistake (we all do) and you run the risk of causing some problems for your project. Instead I would suggest creating just an empty project and make some fairly simple changes like adding a cube, or adding a script to a cude, then changing the code in the script and really get used to the processes of using Git / GitHub. When you have gained confidence using it, that I would suggest would be the time to try it on a project that matters more to you.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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