Can anyone help

and now i have this

You have a compilation error as Len() is marked as nodiscard which makes the compiler issue a warning if you discard the return value (do nothing with it). As the entire point of that function is to get its length, it has no side effects; there’s no reason to call it and do nothing with its result. So marking it as nodiscard is sensible.

Unreal goes one step further and treats that warning as an error which is why you can’t compile.

The solution is for the code on lines 28 and 29 to either store the value in a variable or simply delete the code, it was only an demonstration of the -> operator anyway.

thanks, did you look at the Video i put on youtube, it keeps happening to every project i work on , then i have to make a new Building Escape every time

Yes. The problem is that you deleted the binary and can’t compile a new one because of the aforementioned reason.

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Hi see I just downloaded unreal engine on laptop and I don’t get any errors so I might have to einstall Windows on my pc

What do you mean? The popup saying it couldn’t be built could be for an almost infinite number of reasons, they’re not all the same. It’s basically saying there’s a compilation error.

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